Disaster Affected Area Support

Rhododendron Flower Project

The support for victims of the Nepal Earthquake has begun.
We hope for your financial support in backing this project.
As you may know from the UN report, the April 25th Earthquake in Nepal has affected over 30% of the population equaling well over 8 million people.
For the sake of the Evechalle project, Nasubi is currently visiting Nepal.
Evechalle was started to spread the message of reconstruction after the Tohoku Earthquake.
For the past three years, many people from Nepal supported Evechalle.
But now those people from Nepal are facing their own recovery from disaster.
Currently, things are still in disorder in Nepal. And it’s unclear as to what needs be done.
But through Nasubi in Nepal, there is something that can be done for the victims of the disaster. Even for those of us in Japan, we can send our hopes and support overseas.
Nasubi is currently confirming the conditions in Nepal, and discovering the vital needs of the country. As we are still uncertain about how much support and money is needed.
However even the smallest support from the people who have faced disaster themselves, and also from the people who have lent their strength to those affected by disaster is necessary.
Together let’s support the actions of Nasubi in Nepal, who first used his voice immediately after the Tohoku Earthquake to support Fukushima and Tohoku.
For this reason, we are requesting your financial support.
We will share Nasubi’s activities in Nepal with you, as he updates us with the information from the disaster affected areas. We thank you for your kind support.

更新日 2017.10.30


What Evechelle Can Do To Support Nepal JAPAN

The rhododendron flower is the national flower of Nepal, as well as a flower commonly found in Fukushima, Japan.
It is currently blooming in both areas. And upon the occurrence of the April 25th earthquake in Nepal,
I believe that the rhododendron flower can be a symbol to further connect the support between Nepal and Fukushima.


Establishment of Executive Office in Nepal

For this crowd fundraising, we will plan to establish our office at the trekking company, Cosmo Trek Pvt. Ltd. in Kathmandu, Nepal. And from Adventure Guides, international mountain guide Kenji Kondo will be employed as a representative. With these two entities, as well as myself, Nasubi, we will operate and manage this project. For administration in Japan we have Shi-Shi representative, Hayato Shinjo as well as Onokun Project representative, Fumiko Takeda.


First Supporting Daily Livelihood and Resettlement

      We are planning to use the funds received as donations to first support the work of the staff affected by the earthquake in Nepal, including myself, Mr. Sherpa and other staff from Cosmo Trek and Adventure Guides. This will act as a way to share the faces of the people in need of financial support for their daily lives and for resettlement.
      We believe that the money received can also be used to further support the volunteer activities approved by the Nepal Government, as well as support other future volunteer organizations. The money can be assigned to help purchase necessary materials and fund activities. Keeping in mind the needs of Mr. Sherpa and the other staff from Cosmo Trek, some of the donations can directly help them resettle and act as a small payment for all of their volunteer efforts.

      Searching for Further Opportunities While Acting

Beyond the above mentioned activities, we will continue to further understand the situation in Nepal and may connect with other activities. When that happens we will share the information, so please continue to visit our site for updates.

Long-Term Activities

While it not possible to provide large-scale support for the entire country of Nepal, our motto is to provide direct support to real people. This is not a short-term project, but a plan for mid-to-long term continual efforts, so we hope for everyone’s support and understanding.

With Everyone’s Strength, Together We Can Also Support

Everyone Support Tohoku Group Nasubi
Shi-Shi Shinjo Hayato
Onokun Project Fumiko Takeda
Cosmo Trek Pvt. Ltd. Fumiko Otsu
International Mountain Guide Kenji Kondo

Cooperation company / sponsor company

Adventure Guides Co. Ltd.
Fuji International Travel Co., Ltd.

Nepal Disaster Support Donation:

※Support for visible efforts. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Please contact us here こちらへご連絡ください。



相川 真太郎
寺沢 玲子
岩田 京子
山本 まや
五十嵐 勝
矢鳴 裕二
宇田 詔子
塚越 晶子
高久 真樹
菅野 りつ子
原山 直子
鈴木 裕久
聲高 一枝
岩崎 朱莉
竹内 睦子
近藤 純子
鈴木 一彦
正井 和夫
須田 京子
河向 貴子
長田 陽子
阪崎 義勝
大塚 龍男
福田 虎次
横尾 豪
中村 公一
白井 玲子
佐藤 里香
水上 晶子
秀島 一聡
坂本 真也
高篠 静香
信夫 麻美子
田中 伸一
米澤 淳子
水野 昭宏
小池 滋
北村 俊之
アラカキ トモコ
谷本 忠駿
村上 哲治
児玉 一義
石井 周栄
江波戸 晶子
村山 与志彦
早乙女 真理子
柏 澄子
住本 洋之
北原 土久
佐藤 光
浅田 泰治
宇佐美 直子
奥澤 いずみ
飯島 玲子
村上 智恵子
丸山 亮



















